Contract Manufacturing
Your company’s procurement department is one of the cornerstones of the operation. In addition to an uninterrupted supply of needed raw materials, procurement is expected to find products and services that provide the most value.
Strategic sourcing and the application of advanced supply chain management techniques enable companies to take advantage of such cost and service opportunities, no matter where they exist. One such opportunity, around for years, is the labor arbitrage that exists in the global economy.
ISM published a CAPS Research study titled, “Sourcing in Emerging Markets” in November of 2015. In its research, CAPS noted that “sourcing in emerging markets (also known as low-cost countries) is an activity that is no longer considered an exception, nor is it solely used to source only low strategic spend categories.”
We can analyze your company’s demand and supply. Next, we develop customized solutions that support and streamline operations. From strategic sourcing to advanced supply chain management practices, MSCS can help your company apply ‘best practices’ giving you an edge so you can achieve your core business needs.
Manufacturing and Supply Chain Services
We are Manufacturing and Supply Chain Services, MSCS, specializing in ‘enterprise wide’ production and operations management programs. Our company’s proprietary processes and services promote organization, control and cost reduction boosting your company’s bottom line. How can we help you?