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Examples of Activity Log

This log was designed to understand the type and duration of all activities performed by an individual in a department, and then tally these tasks on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis (thus arriving at a manning resource number for the department). In procurement and supply chain, this task was broken down by ‘desk’ (or assignments).

Likewise, because of a such a detailed review, management then decides how much resource is needed, determines if there are opportunities for cross-utilization, etc.

Furthermore, you can add or delete tasks as needed, very quickly, and then re-tally and review the analysis once again. Finally, this tool can be used for any department.

This ‘positional analysis,’ when properly completed, shows:

  1. tasks that the individual works on (general or ‘desk’ specific),
  2. the number of times per time-period that the task is accomplished,
  3. the amount of time needed each time the task is completed, and the
  4. the number of man-hours that it takes to do the tasks one time, and
  5. the total amount of man-hours needed for each task, each day, week, etc.

The Activity Log consists of one worksheet, three tabs (Activity, Backlog, and Summary), and is a total of seven (7) pages.

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